Los términos y condiciones relacionados con los dominios en el sitio web hostico.es no están disponibles en español. La elección de no traducir la página al español está motivada por la necesidad de mantener la claridad y precisión del contenido original. La traducción puede conllevar el riesgo de distorsionar o interpretar incorrectamente la significación exacta de los Términos de dominio. Al conservarlos en inglés, nos aseguramos de que cada usuario pueda beneficiarse de información precisa y equitativa, evitando las ambigüedades que pueden surgir en el proceso de traducción.
Table of Contents
I. Domain Administration
II. Legal
III. Pre / post registration requirements
IV. Rates
V. Premium Domains
VI. Free Domains
VII. Periods
I. Domain Administration
Managing domain extensions is done at the highest level of registry.
Each organization that manages a domain extension (registry) has its own operating rules. Among these, we can generally remember the following:
II. Legal
- Privacy policy
- Terms and conditions
- Dispute policy
- Transfer procedure
Domain registration will be done under the terms and conditions of each domain extension, terms and conditions available through the link next to each extension offered for registration in the table on this page.
III. Pre / post registration requirements
Most extensions are activated shortly after payment is confirmed, but there are also extensions that require additional procedures that will directly result in a longer activation time:
- additional documents
- specific technical settings for nameserver
- creating a mailbox
- rules regarding the name or content of the domain name
In most cases, special conditions are imposed on country code top level domains (ccTLDs), but this is not a general rule. We recommend consulting the terms by accessing the extension in the table below.
IV. Rates
Any actions performed on domain names (registration / renewal / transfer) are operated only on the basis of a transaction, respectively payment confirmation, on one of the communication channels provided by Hostico.
- Domain registration
- Domain renewal
- Transfer fee
- Reactivation fee
- Redemption fee (to be added to the renewal fee)
V. Premium Domains
Within the same domain extension there may be different rates for some names. These domains are known as premium domains and represent domains that the registrar or legal owner considers worth a higher fee. The reason may be due to the defining value of the domain name's business activity, e.g., auto, host, news, the domain name's short length (1-4 characters), or simply because the registrar of the extension believes so. Usually, the pricing of these domains is displayed when searching for availability, but the tariff may only be visible when the domain registration is attempted, therefore the real price will only be shown when the actual domain registration is attempted by Hostico, so the communication of the real price may take place only after the actual registration attempt by Hostico.
VI. Free Domains
The free offer regarding the registration or transfer of the domains is only valid if the respective domain is purchased together with a hosting package whose billing period is of at least one year.
This gratuity is only available for the first year of registration, any period selected over this first year as well as the renewal of the domain will be charged according to the annual rate displayed for the domain extension.
The domain extensions to which this promotion can be applied are: .com .org .eu .in .ro .us .uk .co.uk.
This list can be expanded or narrowed periodically by Hostico.
Free domain registration is only offered for the primary name associated with the hosting package (as per the current offer at the time of purchase) and by default only if it does not exist.
If the name exists, the customer can instead benefit from the free transfer for that domain.
In the case of both domain transfer and registration, if the customer has not opted for free domain transfer, he has 30 days from the date of order activation to take advantage of this offer.
Both the registration and the domain transfer are processed automatically upon activation of the order.
VII. Periods
Certain requirements may be subject to change, which is why customers are asked to periodically review the page before taking action on a domain name.
- minimum / maximum registering
- minimum / maximum renewal
- Grace period
- Redemption period
However, what should be noted, is that it is the duty of the customer to ensure that the domain he or she registers does not violate any intellectual property right. The domain owner also assumes responsibility for damages, defenses and the innocence of both Hostico and the domain / registry / domain registrar against any claim for damages, liabilities and costs that may arise as a result of domain registration. Regarding the transfer of the domain from one registrar to another (the registry delegated organization), the requests are usually not to be blocked at the registry level, and the cost of the transfer implies in most cases the renewal of the domain by one year. Also, to initiate the transfer procedure, an authorization code is obtained from the registrar from which the domain will be transferred.
The life cycle of a domain is exemplified in the following figure:
In the grace period, the renewal of the domain does not require additional fees, but we can not guarantee this. In the redemption period, however, redemption fees will be required. Our recommendation is that the renewal fees to be paid before the due date / expiration date. The data in the following table is given for information purposes. We can not guarantee the restore of an expired domain even if the redemption fee is paid.